It has been such a pleasure to follow this special little man through his first year! Wow, the time has certainly flown by and he's reached the grand old age of one already.
At this age, babies are full of sweet and serious expressions which really show their individual characters shining through. Baby O was not exception and he enjoyed exploring the studio and playing with his big brother.

Family portraits are so important!

And a sibling is a lifelong friend!

Baby's O's adorable outfit was chosen by his mummy. He looked every inch the little rock star in his shortie dungarees, bow tie and flat cap. Perfect for some furniture climbing antics!

Our Cake Smash cakes are hand-made by Sugar Wish Cakes and are all individually designed to match your chosen theme perfectly.

Baby O even showed off his new found standing skills to make the most of smashing his cake!

Cake Smash Sessions end with a bubble bath. This is the perfect way to ensure that you baby is clean and cake free before you take them home. It also provides lots more cute photo opportunities as they enjoy the bubbles!

Our Cake Smash diary fills up several months in advance, so I recommend booking in good time to avoid disappointment. To book your baby's birthday cake smash session, please get in touch for a brochure and availability.